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Personal Services

Tax Preparation

Tax Planning

Tax Resolution

Cryptocurrency Tax

Business Services

Tax Preparation

Tax Planning




Corporation Setup


Tax Resolution

Privacy & Security

Personal Services

Tax Preparation

The deadline for filing personal taxes in the United States is typically April 15th. However, if this date falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline may be extended to the next business day.

You will need documents such as W-2s for income, 1099s for additional income, receipts for deductible expenses, mortgage interest statements, and any other relevant financial records. It's also advisable to have a copy of the previous year's tax return.

Common deductions include mortgage interest, student loan interest, medical expenses, and charitable contributions. Tax credits, such as the Child Tax Credit or Earned Income Tax Credit, may also be available based on your circumstances. The TimoTax team can help ensure you claim all eligible benefits.

After gathering all the necessary information and addressing all questions, we want you to have your tax return prepared for your review within 10 business days. If you require a quicker turnaround time, inform our team and we will make every effort to accommodate your request.

Tax Planning

Let our team of experts analyze your financial situation, uncovering potential deductions and credits, and crafting a tailored tax strategy just for you. With our guidance, you can make informed financial choices that minimize your tax liabilities and maximize your savings.

Common strategies include maximizing contributions to tax-advantaged accounts like 401(k)s or IRAs, taking advantage of available deductions such as those for education expenses or home mortgage interest, and strategically timing capital gains and losses.

Our team is always up-to-date with the latest changes in tax laws, providing expert advice on how new regulations may impact your financial circumstances. We can assist you in fine-tuning your tax planning strategies to align with these changes, ensuring full compliance with the most recent tax codes.

Year-round tax planning allows for proactive decision-making, helping you make informed financial choices throughout the year. It's not just about filing taxes but about strategically managing your finances to minimize tax burdens and take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

Cryptocurrency Tax

To determine capital gains, assess the profit from cryptocurrency transactions, and understand the distinctions between short-term and long-term gains for accurate tax reporting.

The reporting obligations may differ based on your individual circumstances, so it's important to understand the specific forms and reporting requirements related to different sources of cryptocurrency income, such as mining, staking, or earning interest on your crypto holdings. Stay informed to fulfill your reporting obligations effectively.

In certain cases, you may be eligible to deduct cryptocurrency-related expenses for tax purposes. These expenses can include transaction fees, mining costs, and other expenditures directly associated with your cryptocurrency activities. However, the deductibility of these expenses depends on various factors, including the nature of the expense and the specific tax regulations in your jurisdiction.

It is advisable to consult with a qualified tax professional or accountant to ensure compliance with relevant tax laws and to determine the eligibility of specific cryptocurrency-related expenses for deduction in your individual situation.

When handling losses in cryptocurrency investments for tax purposes, it's crucial to document transactions meticulously, including purchases, sales, and incurred losses, as accurate records are pivotal for tax reporting. Differentiate between short-term and long-term losses, understanding their distinct tax implications based on the duration of asset holding. Offsetting cryptocurrency losses against gains from other investments can effectively reduce taxable income, and if losses exceed gains, explore carryover rules for potential deductions in future tax years.

Given the complexities of cryptocurrency tax laws, seeking advice from a tax professional or accountant is advisable to ensure compliance with regulations and maximize available deductions based on your specific situation. Stay informed about jurisdiction-specific tax laws to navigate the intricacies of reporting cryptocurrency losses.

For cryptocurrency tax compliance, maintaining comprehensive records and documentation is crucial. Keep a detailed record of all cryptocurrency transactions, including purchases, sales, transfers, and any income earned through activities like mining or staking. Document the dates, amounts, and parties involved in each transaction. Retain records of wallet addresses, and public and private keys, as well as exchange statements and confirmations. Additionally, record the fair market value of cryptocurrencies at the time of each transaction.

Accurate and organized documentation will facilitate the calculation of capital gains and losses, help determine income from cryptocurrency-related activities, and ensure compliance with tax regulations. Regularly update and review these records to stay informed about your cryptocurrency portfolio and to provide a clear audit trail in the event of inquiries from tax authorities.

Business Services

Tax Preparation

The deadline for filing personal taxes in the United States is typically April 15th. However, if this date falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline may be extended to the next business day.

For corporate tax preparation, gather essential documents such as financial statements, employment tax records (W-2s, 1099s), business expenses receipts, asset information, and bank statements. Additionally, include previous tax returns, details about business structure, and any IRS correspondence to ensure a comprehensive filing process.

Corporations may qualify for deductions such as business expenses, depreciation, and research credits, along with credits like the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit and Investment Tax Credits. Consulting with tax professionals is essential to identify eligible deductions and credits, ensuring optimal tax efficiency for the corporation.

After gathering all the necessary information and addressing all questions, we want you to have your tax return prepared for your review within 10 business days. If you require a quicker turnaround time, inform our team and we will make every effort to accommodate your request.

Tax Planning

Corporate tax planning helps maximize savings, optimize business structures for efficiency, and ensure compliance, contributing to overall financial health and success.

Tax credits are crucial for businesses, as they provide direct savings on tax liabilities. Our experts help identify and leverage applicable tax credits for your business.

Regular reviews, at least annually, are recommended to ensure your tax strategy aligns with changing financial situations, industry trends, and evolving tax laws.

Yes, tax planning is essential during mergers and acquisitions to optimize the tax implications of the transaction, ensuring a smooth and tax-efficient process. 


Financial compliance ensures that your business operates within legal and regulatory boundaries, minimizing the risk of penalties, legal issues, and reputational damage.

Regular reviews, at least annually, are recommended to align your compliance strategy with changing regulations, industry standards, and business growth.

Yes, technology integration streamlines compliance management, offering tools for efficient tracking, reporting, and ensuring accuracy in adherence to regulatory requirements.

Proactive risk mitigation involves continuous education, customized compliance programs, and mock audit services to identify and address potential compliance issues before they become significant risks.


Bookkeeping is crucial for maintaining accurate financial records, aiding in decision-making, ensuring compliance, and facilitating smooth tax filings.

Regular updates, ideally on a monthly basis, are recommended to keep financial data accurate and up-to-date.

While software can help, professional bookkeeping services provide expertise, ensuring accuracy and compliance.

Efficient bookkeeping contributes to informed financial decisions, cost savings, and strategic planning, fostering overall business growth.


Payroll processing frequency can vary but is commonly done bi-weekly or monthly, aligning with your business needs and compliance requirements.

Our team conducts thorough reviews to minimize errors, and if any occur, prompt corrections are made, ensuring accuracy and employee satisfaction.

Outsourcing payroll reduces the need for in-house staff and resources, leading to cost savings in payroll processing and minimizing the risk of costly errors.

Yes, our business payroll services include secure online access, allowing you to conveniently manage and access payroll information from anywhere.

Corporation Setup

Payroll processing frequency can vary but is commonly done bi-weekly or monthly, aligning with your business needs and compliance requirements.

Our team conducts thorough reviews to minimize errors, and if any occur, prompt corrections are made, ensuring accuracy and employee satisfaction.

Outsourcing payroll reduces the need for in-house staff and resources, leading to cost savings in payroll processing and minimizing the risk of costly errors.

Yes, our business payroll services include secure online access, allowing you to conveniently manage and access payroll information from anywhere.


Tax Resolution

Tax audits are typically resolved by carefully reviewing audit notifications, gathering required documentation, and collaborating with tax authorities to address discrepancies and ensure a comprehensive resolution.

Effective approaches to addressing and settling back taxes involve creating personalized plans, negotiating with tax authorities, and providing structured payment options to alleviate financial burdens and bring tax obligations up to date.

Recommended steps for navigating IRS notices include promptly addressing concerns, communicating with tax authorities, and working towards a resolution that minimizes potential penalties, ensuring compliance with tax regulations.

Experts analyze individual financial circumstances, develop tailored strategies, and guide individuals through the tax resolution process with professionalism and integrity, helping them make informed decisions for a secure financial future.

Privacy & Security

At TimoTax privacy and security are paramount. We employ robust encryption protocols to safeguard financial data and implement strict access controls, limiting access to authorized personnel only. Regular internal and external audits, conducted by insurance providers and industry regulators, ensure that our privacy practices consistently surpass industry standards, providing clients with a secure environment for their sensitive information.

Absolutely. Safeguarding client trust is integral to our operations. We deeply understand the sensitive nature of financial information and are committed to upholding the strictest standards of confidentiality. Our comprehensive privacy practices go above and beyond, instilling confidence in our valued clients that their data is treated with the utmost care and profound respect for their privacy.

Our commitment to security is validated through regular audits conducted by both insurance providers and industry regulators. These proactive measures ensure that our privacy and security practices consistently exceed industry regulations. By subjecting our systems and procedures to meticulous scrutiny, we guarantee the protection and impeccable handling of our client's financial data.

We maintain a comprehensive incident response plan to swiftly and effectively address potential cybersecurity threats. This plan includes advanced security measures, employee training programs, and technology integration to prevent, detect, and respond to incidents. Our firm's proactive approach minimizes the impact of cybersecurity threats, providing clients with the assurance that their financial data is secure and handled with the utmost integrity.

Estates & Trusts

Estate planning involves strategic decisions to distribute assets efficiently, taking advantage of available tax exemptions and deductions. Our team specializes in crafting plans to minimize tax burdens on your beneficiaries.

Accountants play a crucial role in the probate process by ensuring accurate financial record-keeping, valuing assets, and preparing the necessary tax returns. Our team facilitates a smooth probate process, addressing financial complexities with expertise.

Our accountants work closely with clients to design trust structures that optimize tax efficiency, considering factors such as income distribution, capital gains, and estate tax implications. We tailor solutions to meet individual financial goals while minimizing tax liabilities.

Protecting trust assets involves a combination of strategic financial management and adherence to legal guidelines. Our accountants implement robust record-keeping, conduct regular financial reviews, and stay informed about legal changes to safeguard and grow trust assets.

Accountant Services for Businesses

TimoTax offers small to medium-sized businesses a complete accountancy solution with an expert team, available when you need them most.
Click to view Accountant Services for Businesses